What You Need to Know About the Right Product Title for Your Amazon FBA Limit?


Do you know how to make a great impression with your Amazon FBA product? Do people get excited to buy because of the work you’ve put in to make it a success?

You have approximately 50 words or a 250-character limit for your product title in most categories. It’s a good idea to not just use this but to use all of it. Certain categories are allowed longer product titles while others might require little shorter titles, but regardless, you need to be able to use the real estate that Amazon provides you. Some of the best practices to keep in mind when creating an excellent Amazon product title include:

  • Always include something of additional value, such as a key element or product benefit that easily makes you distinguishable from a competitor. Any unique facets of your product should be mentioned within this section, even though you have a limited real estate in order to be able to accomplish this.
  • Reference Amazon’s algorithms, but remember that it will be people at the end of the day who are looking for your product. People who identify your product title must be able to understand it and want to click it based on the information that you’ve provided.
  • Include target keywords that are relevant to what your searcher might be hunting for. Keywords that are listed in titles will have the biggest impact when compared with other options such as your description or your features. Putting all of these target keywords and the most important facts about your product in under 250 characters can be challenging.

To build on the success of your product title, you can’t forget about the other important elements that help your product to rank effectively in Amazon. These include the product rating, the product reviews, the key features about the product, the description, and the product images.

You should always make your best effort to create a listing at the outset, but always be ready to evaluate it and optimize as necessary. This helps to continue to add value to your customers. Best practice guidelines should be studied and then implemented for each of these six key factors.

This helps the overall impact of your product listing and generates potential future traffic as well. It’s not just about getting prospective buyers to land on your Amazon FBA product listing, but you’ve got to keep their attention and keep them there so they follow through the process to purchase. Overall this is one of many components that should be included in your total Amazon FBA business and listing strategies.

But it is most certainly an important one that shouldn’t be overlooked. The more effort that you put into optimizing your Amazon product listings and titles, the easier it will be for you to showcase the value that your Amazon FBA store has in comparison to many of your competitors. This information is instrumental in helping to show someone else that your company is worthy of being purchased.     
